Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yakuza American Influence

episode 5 - edisi khas kaum muda yakuza

Yakuza became influenced by the American gangster- movies and began to dress in black suits with white shirts, black sunglasses and cropped hair

Yakuza became tougher and more violent, the swords was history, now was it firearms that counted. Now were it not just player and storekeepers that became exposed by violence, ordinary persons could be robbed and pressed on money.

Post-War Yakuza: Gurentai

episode 4 - edisi khas kaum muda yakuza

As Japan began to industrialise and urbanization got underway, a third group of yakuza called gurentai began to emerge (the name gurentai was not given until after World War II).

In short, a gurentai is a gang in a much more traditional sense, a group of young unruly thugs who peddle their violence for profit.

Tekiya And Bakuto

episod 3 - edidsi khas kaum muda yakuza

More directly, the origin of most modern yakuza organizations can be traced to two groups which emerged in 18th century Japan: tekiya (peddlers) and bakuto (gamblers). Although the modern yakuza has diversified, some gangs still identify with one group or the other. For example, a gang whose primary source of income is illegal gambling may refer to themselves as bakuto.

Tekiya (peddlers)

As they began to form organisations of their own, they took over some administrative duties relating to commerce, such as stall allocation and protection of their commercial activities. For example, during Shinto festivals, these peddlers opened stalls and some members were hired to act as security. Each peddler paid rent in exchange for a stall assignment and protection during the fair.

Bakuto (gamblers)

Had a much lower social standing even than traders, as gambling was completely illegal. Many small gambling houses cropped up in abandoned temples or shrines at the edge of towns and villages all over Japan. Most of these gambling houses ran loan sharking businesses for clients, and they usually maintained their own security personnel. The places themselves, as well as the bakuto, were regarded with disdain by the society at large, and much of the undesirable image of the yakuza originates from bakuto. This includes the name "yakuza" itself.

dinar vs wang kertas


1. Emas adalah kekayaan yang hakiki
2. Tidak boleh di 'scam'
3. Emas tidak boleh dibinasakan
4. Tidak mudah cair
5. Harga emas sentiasa meningkat dalam jangka masa panjang
6. Tidak boleh dimanipulasikan
7. Dipuja

Wang kertas:

1. tetap kaya, tetapi tidak kekal.
2. mudah ditiru
3. senang dikoyak, terbakar, rosak, supik kelenyar, pudar, berlubang bila distapler
4. mudah menjadi debu
5. nilai sentiasa berubah, kejap naik, kejap turun, turun x naik2 pun ada, kadang xda nilai

Dinar & dirham adalah matawang kekal hingga kiamat. Antara sejarah kebaikannya adalah:

  • Daripada awal tamadun Islam sehingga hari ini, nilai emas dan perak sangat stabil serta sangat menarik perhatian. Seekor ayam berharga 1 dirham ketika zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW, zaman perkembangan Islam negeri Arab serta zaman ketamadunan khalifah Islam; hari ini seekor ayam masih berharga 1 dirham dikebanyakan tempat diseluruh dunia apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai harga ayam runcit semasa.
  • Sekaligus, ini menunjukkan inflasi sifar dalam jangka masa 1400 tahun.
  • Ia membuktikan bahawa di dalam jangka masa panjang emas dan perak merupakan penyimpan nilai yang unggul. Kuasa beli emas dan perak masih dikekalkan. Inilah kelebihan emas dan perak. Selain itu, emas dan perak tidak boleh dicetak sesuka hati oleh kerajaan menyebabkan nilainya tidak mungkin jatuh seperti wang kertas.
  • Oleh yang demikian, menyimpan kekayaan di dalam bentuk emas adalah kaedah terbaik dan terunggul.
  • Nilai emas dan perak tidak perlu disandarkan kepada mana-mana kerajaan. Ianya bukanlah liabiliti mana-mana pihak.
  • Semua bentuk aset kertas, contohnya bon, saham termasuk deposit bank adalah merupakan 'janji untuk membayar hutang'. Nilainya tertakluk kepada andaian pelabur bahawa janji pembayaran akan dilakukan. Sejarah menunjukkan bahawa aset-aset kertas ini boleh gagal sepertimana yang berlaku kepada bon dan wang kertas peso Mexico.
  • Emas pula tidak tertakluk kepada mana-mana sistem kewangan dunia. Apa pun yang berlaku, emas tetap mengekalkan nilainya. Ini dapat dilihat daripada pengalaman manusia selama 5000 tahun di samping logam ini.
  • Tujuannya bagi mengurangkan penipuan dan manipulasi mata wang. Mata wang sedia ada seperti dolar US, bath Thailand mahupun ringgit mudah dimanipulasi dan mudah disalahgunakan.
  • Dinar emas pernah digunakan sebagai piawai bagi mata wang dunia ribuan tahun lamanya.
  • Wang kertas dolar pada mulanya disandarkan kepada nilai emas. Tetapi kemudian sandaran emas ini tidak lagi digunakan.
  • Akibatnya wang kertas dan syiling asyik turun dan naik dan sukar untuk memantapkannya.

Abu Bakar bin Abi Maryam meriwayatkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah, semoga Allah memberkati nya dan memberinya damai, berkata: "Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan). "(The Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal)

Emas dan perak adalah mata wang yang paling stabil di dunia yang pernah wujud. Lindungi kekayaan anda dengan membeli emas dan perak.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Yakuza Origin And History

episode-2....edisi khas kaum muda yakuza

The term "Yakuza" comes from a Japanese card game, Oicho-Kabu (played with hanafuda or kabufuda cards-aku xreti main,klu big2 pandaila,haha), and means "good for nothing". It comes from Japan's counterpart to Black Jack, Oicho- Kabu. The generally difference between the both cardgames are that in Oicho- Kabu the cards rate shall be 19 instead of 21. The worst hand in the game is a set of eight, nine and three, which gives a sum of 20 and a score of 0. In traditional Japanese forms of counting, these numbers are called Ya (8), Ku(9) andSa(3) respectively, thus the origin of the word "yakuza".

There is no single origin for all Japanese yakuza. Rather, yakuza organizations developed from different elements of traditional Japanese society.


Yakuzas origin can be followed far back as to the year 1612, when men known as kabuki-mono (the crazy ones). Their odd clothing style, the distinct haircuts and bad behavior, longswords quickly got everybody's attention. They were known as masterless samurais, ronin, and several of them began to wander around in Japan as a band of robbers, plundering villages and small cities. Kabuki-mono generally came from shoguns or samurais whom during long peaceful times were forced into unemployment. Almost all yakuza have the same type of background poor, criminals and misfits. The Yakuza became a family for them. They got help with problems, got attention and could feel a certain saftey


Yakuza however not see kabuki-mono as their "ancestors" instead they feel that they are machi-yakko(City servant), Machi-yakko became the people's heroes, praised by the citizens for their help against kabuki-mono. The Machi-yakko were often weaker, far less trained and equipped than kabuki- mono. Therfore they were compared with England's Robin Hood. Kabuki-mono were known for their ruthless behavior and terrorizing all the surrounding areas. They were well known for stabbing people for pleasure. Kabukimono were gave their groups scary names and spoke in vulgar slang.

What Is Yakuza?


mungkin ramai yang baca blog ni tidak mengenali apa itu yakuza?adakah ia cuma sekadar nama ataupun ia sebiji kuih??oh no,no,no...mari kita bersama mengenali apa itu yakuza,edisi khas dari kaum muda yakuza... >:)

Yakuza also known as gokudo , are members of traditional organized crime groups in Japan. Today, the yakuza are one of the largest organized crime phenomena in the world. In the Western press they are sometimes called the "Japanese mafia," by analogy with other traditionally Italian-Sicilian organized crime groups of the same name.

Yakuza strength rises and falls according to the tides of Japanese society, with estimates of core membership ranging from 80,000 to more than 110,000 in the years from 1945 to 1996. Some authorities believe Japan's National Police routinely undercount the Yakuza, numbering only those names found in confiscated membership rolls, or recorded from routine police intelligence reports. Like the Sicilian Mafia and other underworld organizations, the Yakuza are formed into families.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jopog manura 3: when translate wrongly, learn korean

my wife is a gangster 3, 2 is sequel of 1.

So, beware of my wife

download link: carik dikpun